The Effect of Work Environment, Work Discipline and Work Ethic on Work Productivity
(Empirical Study on Employees of PT. CIMB Niaga Finance Bintaro)
This study aims to determine the influence of the work environment, work discipline and work ethic on work productivity in employees of PT CIMB Niaga Finance Bintaro. The type of research carried out is using Quantitative. The sample used was 163 respondents, with sampling using the Random Sampling method using the Slovin formula. The data collection techniques was through questionnaires with Likert scale that have been processed using Microsoft Excel 2010 software and SPSS software version 22. The data analysis used was validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, hypothesis tests and multiple linear regression The results of this study show that work environment variables, work discipline and work ethic have a significant and positive influence on work productivity. The results of this study are expected to be able to make employees of PT. CIMB Niaga Finance becomes more productive.
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